Oral Contraceptive Tablets – A Way to Regulate Your Cycle


If you find that one of your friends is on birth control tablet, don’t get surprised. Birth control tablet is not always taken to avoid unwanted pregnancy, it also helps regulate irregular periods. Teenage girls and young women, who are diagnosed with PCOS, face irregular menstrual cycles, acne, excess hair growth and many more health related issues that can get treated by using the contraceptive tablets.

Irregularity in the menstrual cycle can be of different types: 

  • Sometimes menstrual bleeding can be irregular.
  • You may miss the menstrual cycle.
  • You may have heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding.
  • At times, bleeding can be very light.

Causes behind the irregularity:

  • Relying on some medications
  • Excess workout
  • Pregnancy or Breastfeeding
  • Depression
  • Coping with thyroid or hyperthyroidism

Best ways to treat & regulate your menstrual period:

  • By treating a prolonged disease which may have been causing hinderance in your menstrual cycle
  • By bringing some lifestyle changes in your daily routine
  • By losing weight
  • By taking hormonal therapy
  • By going for a surgery

Birth control tablets are prescribed by doctors themselves as it helps regulate irregular menstrual period, lower menstrual cramps and reduce the risk of PCOS.

Image Courtesy: hcavirginiaphysiciansblog


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