Let us love another night


“The food was quite heavy,” I exclaimed in the hysterical fashion.

Loud enough to send the burps in an ugly state, demolishing the image of a bride with pride. It was the lunch procession for us as we were the newly wed couple and it went fine. With good food in sight, I wasn’t able to control myself. Had restricted a lot before the wedding to lose weight, had to look nice, after all everyone wanted us to look hot and shiny. With only a few days into the wedding, the new refined states of togetherness roared the exotic feel of sexual desires.

Sex had to come, it is complimentary, you see, and more than that, the need gives satisfaction and emotional support. Each night we wrote our own big bang theory, love touched the new heights and passion became an obsession.

But with pleasure came major responsibilities. To make babies or not? Having a family is a good feeling, but drawing a family tree is as complicated as it seems. The thought was followed by brainstorming, with much confusion, visibility blurred out and finally the night ended under the smooth sheets of sensual fire. The sun rose to wake up from the arms of my love and the morning drew us closer to each other. Cleaning the mess of night sent me the shock waves, as we made love. Damn!! The thought that it could turn into something that both of us were not ready for, into a reality. “What has happened, had happened. We could not afford to make such a mistake again. We cannot take such a thing so casually,” my mind constantly stung my heart with such a thought.

Confusingly, my mind stopped, but then a thought suddenly struck my mind. I checked my bag for the regular contraceptive tablets; my sister, who happens to be a doctor, gave it to me.

With medical science roaring to save lives, this surely did save us from framing the future that was unwanted for now and instead gave us a few years to prepare for it.

Image Courtesy: herbeauty.co


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