I Am Capable Of Fulfilling My Dreams

Let Me Grow

My parents have a wonderful marriage, but it is a kind of very dependent relationship. My mother is entirely dependent on my father because that’s how it used to be in those days.

From small girl till I grew up they were always there in every step of my life. One such step was marrying my love despite the repeated warnings of my parents that the man I have chosen to live my rest of the life with is not good for me. They were right! Marrying this man was the biggest mistake of my life and I paid heavily for it in the form of mental and physical torture from my husband soon after our heart-rending honeymoon period.

My married life was so depressing that I did not want to get pregnant at any cost. My future was not secure and getting pregnant at that phase of life could have destroyed me completely. There was no hope of any solution by talking to my husband about this. I knew that pregnancy will make me go weak mentally and physically, so I began taking Unwanted 21 days tablets and avoided pregnancy. I still thank my mother for suggesting me the best contraceptive tablet-Unwanted 21 days to reserve the right of getting pregnant whenever I feel suitable. Our marriage didn’t last long and he left me thinking as if I will literally plead to accept me as his wife and accept his    abuses like a meek animal.

I never thought I would ever face such problems in my life. I chose to live my life on my own without being a burden on my parents, though children can never be a burden for their parents; they were always there to help me out during times of anguish Being capable enough to earn my daily bread and butter, I joined a small company as a manager due to my qualification in the field of management.

I am the assistant director of the same company today and the rest is history.

I have all the abilities to fulfill my dreams #LetMeGrow.

Image Courtesy: s3uswestamazonaws


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