When she says ‘no’

A young mother

She was 21, when her parents started forcing her to get married to a semi-government college professor, who was in his 40s. After our exams got over, she started sobbing, “I don’t wish to get married to this bearded old man, I want to continue with my Masters”.

Were her views really important? I didn’t know at that point of time. I tried talking to her parents, who were at the heights of craziness to grab a ‘suitable’ groom for her. She eloped and I could not even guide her, if she was taking the right decision. She got married to one of her cousins, a typical male who still thinks birth control is something against the nature.

I still remember, how we used to talk over tea and plan how all of our friends would plan family and have our kids at least after 3 years of marriage. I laugh at our fate. She conceived in the 2nd month after her marriage. While I am enjoying my bachelor life’s freedom, she, best of my friends is bearing one kid along with a group of dependent people. Despite being a village girl, she used to dream of becoming an academician (we were pursuing graduation in English then). But, she was forced to leave her school teaching job. What an irony! A woman who once thought of bringing change, could not save herself getting raped by her husband. Not just once or twice, it became a regular activity.

After 3 years, she contacted me through Facebook. The person, who used to laugh at any petty joke has now become absolutely serious about her life. She still believes in the freedom of her body, but she was compelled to abort 2 times in last 3 years. She is afraid of contraceptives and her husband hates condom. I could feel her pain. I thought, it is very important to make her feel comfortable about a contraceptive which is free of side-effects. I did her part of research and suggested her to rely on Unwanted 21 Days. I know it won’t help her saving from getting raped, but at least she would not have to bear with the pain of abortion. Now she is confident enough to say no for any more kids. At least she can save one more life from getting saved.

Image Courtesy: typotic


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