Not ready to have a baby yet? Quit worrying.


In today’s fast paced world, a woman’s pivotal objective and desires have changed. As opposed to the set standards of the society, at least in accordance with the old social norms, where an ideal Indian woman was to get married, latest by the age of twenty-one and start a family by twenty- three (or maximum twenty-four).

A lot of ink has been spilled on the choice women are faced with, between pursuing their careers and starting a family. We have also watched the recent surge where women pay more attention to their careers as opposed to that of their family life.  Bagging highly paid jobs to rule over various professional strata, women truly know how to bash on, regardless.

Yet, India stands true to being a patriarchal society, where men are still expected to be the sole bread earner of the household, while what is expected out of a woman is mere childbearing. But how easy is it to change something as deep rooted in our culture? If one ponders over this dilemma, the argument isn’t that grueling.

With the turn of the 21st Century, we have seen India go through some quicksilver changes, westernization has had its impact and how! Be it a change in technology, fashion, ideology and values, India has shown progression as a result of the same. The families of today welcome the contemporary style of living and are generally more tolerant towards the futuristic lifestyles. Thus, this positive change in our culture  is the perfect foundation for women to sprout on. Manipulating the situation to our benefit is what is the action one has to take. So quit worrying and take charge.

Now the question at hand is, what is the right thing to do? Firstly, there is no right or wrong here. In a situation as delicate as this, rationalizing the given circumstances is the step you need to take.

Make priorities and stick to them. Your happiness is your priority, stick to it. Found your Mr. Right, hang on to him. Want to  get married, go get hitched, Not ready for a baby, keep Unwanted-21 Days by your side. And you won’t be complaining.

Image Courtesy: lablogbeaute


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