In 1951, India launched “The National Family Welfare Programme” with an aim to reduce the birth rate and stabilize the population.” The increasing population rate clearly shows that till date we have not been able to achieve the Couple Protection Rate (CPR). It clearly shows the lack of awareness about contraceptive methods among the Indian couples.
Be it the paradigm, benefitting the contraceptive manufacturing companies or initiatives taken by our government towards the Family Planning Programmes, the question is, whether the awareness regarding family planning methods reaches to those who are living in isolated villages?
An unplanned or an unwanted pregnancy is a serious problem. Not only India, but many developing and under-developed nations have borne the consequences for a long time now. Unplanned pregnancy not only hampers the growth and future of a family, but it also disturbs the nation’s economy.
There are plenty of ways to control unwanted pregnancy. Once you are married, it becomes even more important to use the effective ways of family planning. Not indulging into intimate sessions with your partner is not the solution anymore. Unwanted-21 Days regular contraceptive tablets make a simple, safe and an effective method that helps a couple to enjoy a perfect marriage relation. This is a perfect method, readily available to plan a pregnancy and space the next child.
Image Courtesy: academicmedicineblog